

For new students of the academic year of 2010.

Common Subject of the Graduate School

Category Subject
Resarch Methodology of Integrated Frontier Sciences
English Manuscript Writing and International Conference Techniques

Common Subjects on the Department

Category Subject
Special Research: Special Research (1)
Special Research (2)
Basics of Kansei Science: Introduction to Kansei Research
Introduction to Kansei Communication
Introduction to Kansei Value Creation
Project Team Learning (PTL) / Internship Kansei Science PTL (1)
Kansei Science PTL (2)
Kansei Science PTL (3)
Kansei Science PTL (4)
Kansei Science PTL (5)
Kansei Science PTL (6)

Specialized Subjects

Category Subject
Kansei Research Course Physio-Anthropological Aesthesis
Human Development
Sensory Psychophysiology
Emotive Psychophysiology
Adaptive Behavior
Physiology of Aesthesis
Psychology of Aesthesis
Philosophical Aesthesis
Practice for Sensory Psychophysiology
Practice for Emotive Psychophysiology
Kansei Communication Course Theory of Life-span Developmental Psychology
Theory of Cognitive Experimental Processes
Theory of Inter-cultural Communication
Theory of Kansei Expression
Theory of Children and Practice
Theory of Children and Modern Culture
Theory of Child and Family Nursing
Theory of Child Life Specialists
Practice in Communication with Children and their Families
Practice in Facilitation
Practice in Formative Fieldwork
Practice in Creative Discussion
Kansei Value Creation Course Practical Theory of Kansei Industry
Practical Theory of Kansei Industry
Practical Theory of Brand Value Creation
Practical Theory of Editorial Value Design
Practical Theory of Relation Design
Practical Theory of Landscape Design and Value Creation
Practical Theory of Rural Planning and Value Creation
Practical Theory of Regional culture Design
Practical Theory of Design Value Evaluation Method “Quality Karte”
Practical Theory of Project Management
Practical Theory of Kansei Value Cognition
Practical Theory of User Participatory Design
Practical Theory of Kansei Marketing

Subjects to be studied

Students should study the following subjects, earn credits, and submit a master’s thesis under the guidance of their instructors.

  1. One Common Subject of the Graduate School (one credit)
  2. Two compulsory subjects (six credits)
    – Special Research (1) and Special Research (2)
  3. Two subjects (four credits) from the Basics of Kansei Science
  4. Three subjects (six credits) from Project Team Learning (PTL) / Internship
  5. Five subjects (ten credits) from the Specialized Subjects of the enrolled course
  6. Nine credits from major subjects and non-major subjects. Up to six credits can be included among the subjects requires for a master’s degree

Requirements for Master’s Degree

To be eligible for a master’s degree, students must be enrolled in the department for two years or more and earn at least 36 credits. However, students may complete the course with a minimum of one-year enrollment if the faculty council agrees that the students have achieved outstanding academic performance that warrants a master’s degree.