From the viewpoints of a sustainable and environmentally friendly society, electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles have attracted increasing attention. The education and research of the Advanced Material and Chemistry field are related to advanced materials including inorganic, organic, polymeric and metallic substances, which contribute to high performance, weight saving and durability of the components in automobiles. The research area of this field covers lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, rechargeable batteries, capacitors, electrical storage devices, catalysts for decomposition of automobile exhaust gas, polymer nanocomposites, filtration membranes, coatings, adhesives, solar cells, semiconductor power devices and hydrogen sensors. The above-mentioned materials designed by precious chemistry and physics should promote the development of next generation automobiles.
Development of new concept fuel cell are required for vehicle with high efficiency. New materials for solid oxide fuel cells are studied for decreasing operating temperature and increasing reliability. In particular, direct hydrocarbon type SOFC is mainly studied. On the other hand, metal-air battery is similar structure with fuel cells, and expecting as large capacity rechargeable battery. Highly active and reversible air electrode catalyst for Zn-air and Li-air battery is developing.
For wide use of diesel engines, removal of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) is strongly required from environmental issues. Development of new de-NOx as well as low temperature PM oxidation catalyst is developing by using perovskite oxide. Application of catalytic technology for next generation automobile will be studied.
Our research object is to discover novel functionalities of organic polymeric materials by understanding and controlling structures and properties of the polymeric materials at the molecular level. Such research leads to the development of composite materials for interior parts and exterior parts of vehicles and tires. We conduct experiments in our laboratories, collaborate in research with a number of domestic and overseas companies, research institutions and universities, and if necessary we use large facilities for radiation and neutron experiments.
In internal combustion engines such as engines, about 70 % of energy is wasted as heat. Thermoelectric materials that can convert heat into electrical energy have been studied in our laboratory. Thermoelectric materials can generate electricity by a temperature difference in the material. We contribute to global warming and energy conservation by using this technology.
We are developing novel advanced carbon materials based on the deep recognition of hierarchical nanostructures for better utilization of fossil fuels and their bi-products. We are studying the carbon fibers for EVs and windmill, advanced carbons for batteries and fuel cells, activated carbons and cokes for environmental protection with aiming at zero emission society with fully achieved green sustainable chemistry.
This laboratory developing new organic materials and conducting research on novel functional nanomaterials and organic devices.
We are conducting research with the goal of developing functional devices with unprecedented properties by drawing out the properties of organic materials and combining them with inorganic materials. For example, we are working on the development of organic materials for photocatalysts, optoelectronic devices, and organic transistors using organic-inorganic hybrids, and photocatalytic water-splitting production of hydrogen, which is expected to be a next-generation energy carrier.
For establishment of the carbon-neutral society, utilization of renewable energy sources is necessary. Among them, we focus our attention on solar energy. We are developing new technologies for increasing efficiency, durability, and cell area, along with establishing basic science. Additionally, we are investigating new devices, which can efficiently convert electricity into light. Our research on photon-electron conversion materials and devices would contribute to automotive-related fields.
Our laboratory is dedicated to pioneering advancements in materials science, focusing on developing novel materials for room-temperature hydrogen storage, photo/electro-catalytic hydrogen production, CO2 conversion, and waste treatment, including plastics and biological wastes. Our approach involves engineering superfunctional energy and nanomaterials by manipulating chemical compositions and lattice defects, utilizing a comprehensive methodology that integrates experimental techniques with in-depth nanostructural characterization, theoretical studies, and machine learning. We specialize in tailoring the nanostructural features and functional properties of metallic and ceramic materials through severe plastic deformation methods such as high-pressure torsion (HPT), and we extend our work to high-entropy alloys and ceramics for these functional applications.
We are developing fuel cells that can operate in the medium temperature range of 200-400°C for use in heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs). HDVs require stable and high-power output for long periods. However, the degradation of the electrolyte and the loss of Pt nanoparticle catalyst under high-power generating conditions are issues in current automotive polymer fuel cells. To solve this problem, we are developing new solid oxides that exhibit high hydrogen ion conductivity and electrode activity at low humidification and intermediate temperatures. We are also developing high-performance fuel cells using developed novel materials.
Faculty Members | Lab Location | Graduate Faculty | Education and Research Area |
Prof. Tatsumi Ishihara | Ito Campus | Faculty of Engineering | Electrochemistry,Catalytic chemistry |
Prof. Keiji Tanaka | Ito Campus | Faculty of Engineering | Polymer chemistry,Interfacial engineering |
Prof. Shinji Munetoh | Ito Campus | Faculty of Engineering | Semiconductor |
Prof.Yoon Seongho | Chikushi Campus | Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering | Materials engineering |
Prof.Masamichi Nishihara | Ito Campus | International Research Center for Hydrogen Energy | polymer electrolyte, fuel cell, water electrolysis |
Assoc. Prof. Motonori Watanabe | Ito Campus | International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research | Light energy conversion molecular devices |
Assoc. Prof. Toshinori Matsusima | Ito Campus | International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research | Electronics materials/devices |
Assoc. Prof. KAVEH EDALATI | Ito Campus | International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research | Materials physics and chemistry, functional nanomaterials |
Assoc. Prof. Junji Hyodo | Ito Campus | International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research | Soild-state chemistry, Electrochemistry, Solid-state ionics |